Street fighter iii 3rd strike alex colors
Street fighter iii 3rd strike alex colors

street fighter iii 3rd strike alex colors

After this the brothers were separated from their parents and were made to undergo constant genetic modifications, training and monitoring sessions. Urien became a potential candidate for the presidency at the age of 6 along with his brother Gill. It is noted that his mother, an olympic level athlete and a doctorate in Sports Dynamics was especially a favourite to become the President. Both his parents are said to have been candidates to the presidency of the cult being holders of Ph.D(s) in their respective fields. Supplementary material on Urien's backstory notes that unlike the other candidates for the leadership of the Illuminati, who are kidnapped and brainwashed into doing their bidding, Urien and Gill were born to parents who were long time members of the cult. Urien's patience runs thin when dealing with those he deems 'Commoners', as shown when he throws an Aegis Reflector at Rashid for so much as touching him. Urien displays a level of shortsightedness when he tries to kill Charlie on a whim after defeating him, despite Urien's very own technology being used in Charlie's resurrection. In Street Fighter V, a younger Urien maintains his tyrannical behavior and even antagonises his comrades and associates, calling Helen a 'rat' and chastising her for plotting behind his back. In addition, the names of his moves-for example, Dangerous Headbutt-make apparent both his personality and his murderous intent. His grasp of the more advanced techniques of the training program is fairly limited, reflected by his relatively simpler Super Arts compared to the much more advanced ones of his brother.

street fighter iii 3rd strike alex colors

This points to a lack of self-control that may be reflected in gameplay by his being a charge character while Gill can execute the moves of their composite training program flawlessly, Urien needs to focus intensely for a second or two before he can do the same. While fighting, he screams phrases such as "crush", "destroy" and "kill", again highlighting his furious and violent nature. Unlike Gill, who recognizes the talent in his opponents, Urien looks down on others, even calling them 'pitiful scum' in one of his victory animations. Urien also dismisses the cryogenically preserved brains of his predecessors as "ugly and stupid" and "a mass of junk with no ability to take positive action". In addition, he takes a lot of pride in becoming the "True Emperor" as such, he has no reason to lose to anyone, and his anger will only subside when he is proven to be the True Emperor. Urien displays sadism in many of his victory quotes and animations. Urien's personality can be best described as tyrannical, much in contrast with the benevolent nature of his brother Gill. His second alternate costume is his classic attire in Street Fighter III. His first alternate costume is his business attire but it is purple, it is without the button shirt and his shoes are white, he has a long scarf on his neck. His skin, hair and the blue gem on his forehead still remains in his transformed state. In Street Fighter V, Urien wears his business attire as his primary outfit (he doesn't shed it like in the Street Fighter III games) with minor changes the suit is gray with white pinstripped designs, he wears an openly purple button shirt and has no tie.


This ability to change skin color could be the result of his control over metal, though how exactly is unclear. Also, many of his alternate colors are similar to those of Dhalsim, in that they change his skin color as opposed to his costume's color. In his pre-match introduction in the Street Fighter III series, he is lighter-skinned and wearing business attire he then sheds the suit, his skin darkens to a bronze complexion, and his hair turns from blond to metallic white. That of a Greek Olympic athlete) with bronze skin tone and short, metallic white hair.

street fighter iii 3rd strike alex colors

Urien has a similar appearance to Gill, having exactly the same physical build (i.e.

Street fighter iii 3rd strike alex colors